
Easter . . . A Very Special Day

Easter is the most meaningful day for me.  It’s the day I remember and celebrate the precious gift God gave me.  At an early age in 1976, I became a believer and follower of Jesus Christ who died on the cross for me to give me new life that can only be found in Him.  Jesus did not only die on the cross but He rose from the dead (the reason we celebrate Easter!) and continues to live. Because He lives, I have a living relationship with Him.  I have never regretted that moment of decision.  He gives me joy and a peace that compares with no other.  I am blessed to know Him and live for Him.

If you don’t have a relationship with Jesus and want to experience the true inner joy that only comes from Him, I urge you to give your life to Him – you won’t regret it.  Contact me if you want to know more.

I hope this video inspires you on this Easter day.

Till next time… have a joyous and blessed day!

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